Why Your Next Health Screening Could Save Your Life?
Why Your Next Health Screening Could Save Your Life? You’ve been hearing about the benefits of regular health screening for years now. After all, who wouldn’t want to know they’re in tip-top shape? Unfortunately, the word “regular” is getting thrown around a lot when it comes to screenings. And while there’s nothing wrong with keeping your doctor apprised of any changes or concerns you have, too much regular can actually be harmful — which is why so many people are starting to question whether they should continue getting them at all. That said, the good news is that there are plenty of benefits to stepping into your next medical exam as often as possible. And because everyone has different needs and concerns at different points in their lives, these screenings can happen at any age — as long as you keep coming back for them regularly enough. What You Need to Know About Regular Health Screening Health screening is a good idea if you’re at an age where you’re likely to get certain diseases or conditions. If you’ve just turned 40, for example, you’re likely to get more advanced cancers like prostate and ovarian, as well as cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery disease and heart attack. And if you’re over 50, you’re at the highest risk of Alzheimer’s disease — which can affect your memory and cognitive functions. At the same time, though, health screenings are also a great idea if you’re not at an age where you’re likely to get a certain health issue. While you’re unlikely to get infectious diseases like HIV or hepatitis C when you’re a child, you should be screened as early as possible — ideally before you ever hit puberty. Why You Should Get Screened The fact that health screenings can reveal potential health issues and diseases is enough of a reason to get them. But the other huge reason is that regular screenings can detect issues that are generally caught too late. That means you’re less likely to have a problem that can be easily treated — but that can lead to serious complications and even death at a later point in your life. For instance, if you get screened regularly, you’re less likely to develop cancer in your colon due to a growth that’s not yet an issue. And if you have colorectal cancer in your 50s, you’ve got an excellent chance of surviving it thanks to screening. Similarly, regular screenings can help you catch cancer of the breast before it grows large enough to be a threat. And while screening at 35 is unlikely to turn up anything, screening at 45 is much more likely to reveal a problem, so you can get treatment right away. Which screens should you have? The best way to decide which health screenings you should get is to think about your current health and how likely it is that you’ll get certain issues as you age. For instance, as a healthy 20-year-old, you’re unlikely to get coronary artery disease. At the same time, though, it’s much more likely that you’ll get it by age 50. By thinking about your own risks and the risks of each health issue you want to screen for, you can decide which screenings you need. That said, it’s also important to remember that your age isn’t the only thing that matters. You may have to think about your lifestyle and overall health as well. This means that if you smoke, there’s a good chance you’ll develop lung cancer as you get older. And if you’re overweight, you’re likely to have more serious health issues in general. So, if you want to start early, you’ll want to think about how you can improve your overall health and lifestyle. Read More: How to Be a More Effective Fitness Trainer? Which screenings should you have? As you can see, screening can help you get a better sense of what health issues you may be at risk for. That said, you also have to consider which issues you may want to screen for. For instance, while you’re unlikely to develop Alzheimer’s disease until you’re in your 60s, that screening may be more important for people who have family members with the condition. That’s because Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease — meaning it can get gradually worse over time. And if your loved one starts showing signs of the illness, you may not realize it until it’s too late. Meanwhile, you can still get screened for many of the other diseases you may want to know about. While most cancers don’t show up in health screenings, you can still get screened for some of the more common ones. For instance, cervical cancer is something that is usually caught in the early stages. And you may want to get screened for it anyway because it can also lead to cancer in the reproductive system. When to Get a Health Screening Again, it comes down to thinking about your risk factors and how likely they are to occur as you get older. For instance, if you’re healthy and don’t have any risk factors for coronary artery disease, you don’t need to get screened. At the same time, though, if you have a family history of heart disease or have been diagnosed with diabetes, you should consider getting screened. That’s because conditions like heart disease and cancer are more likely to become a problem as you get older — and you’ll want to get screened as soon as possible. While there is no “best time” to get a health screening, it’s important to remember that screening can be done at any age. That way, you’ll be able to start screening at any age — and you can always go back for more tests if you want to get a better sense of your risk. The Advantages of Regular Health Screening Regular, Preventive Health Screening Can Lower Your Risk of Certain Diseases – That’s right. Regular health screenings can